Purpose of the course
To enhance students’ knowledge and understanding in advanced crop protection practices
Expected learning outcomes
By the end of the course, the student should be able to;
1. Identify the most important diseases and pests of horticultural crops
2. Apply the most economical and effective control or management strategies against pests and or/ diseases
3. Design integrated and disease management appropriate for different growers and ecological zones.
Course content
1. Etiology, symptomatology and epidemiology of infectious and non-infectious diseases
2. Methods of disease forecasting and crop/yield loss management
3. Biology of major
a) Plant pathogens: bacteria, fungi and virus
b) Arthropod pests’: insects and mites
c) Plant parasitic nematodes
d) Weeds
4: Crop protection management practices: Mechanical, Chemical, cultural, biological, legislative and crop scouting
5. Integrated pest and disease management strategies
6. Emerging technologies in crop protection: biopesticides, biocontrols, organic and chemigration
7. Crop protection for ASALs